Thursday, March 26, 2009

Let Me Define Poison

Main Entry:
Etymology:Middle English, from Anglo-French poisun drink, potion, poison, from Latin potion-, potio drink — more at potion

1 a: a substance that through its chemical action usually kills, injures, or impairs an organism b (1): something destructive or harmful (2): an object of aversion or abhorrence2: a substance that inhibits the activity of another substance or the course of a reaction or process (a catalyst poison)

ARE THE FOLLOWING COMPANIES POISONING CHILDREN AND ADULTS? Do they inflict injury or impair an organism causing cancer, diabetes, obesity, ADD, or ADHD?

This is a photo shot in a local elementary school in Williamsburg. I find it totally inappropriate that schools would rather profit from poison than do whats best for a child's health. Can we please define "the best stuff on Earth"? Water, high fructose corn syrup, tea, natural flavors??? Diet Snapple contains Aspartame. Are brain tumors and brain lesions significant side effects or should they be overlooked?
"Food for the fun of it!?" In my opinion hospital visits, medication, obesity, heart disease, neurological damage is not fun!!?? Organic and local fruits and veggies are for the fun of it because many activities and adventures can be had when we are happy, healthy, energetic, and strong! :)

1 comment:

  1. Seriously? Can't we find something better to wage war against, than the good people at Lays potato chips? I smoke for Christ sakes. Next I'll be told not to eat pussy cause it'll distract me from doing my chores.
